Dying chooks
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Author:  A_nomad [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Dying chooks

Hi, I hope someone might be able to help, 3 days ago I had a chook that died,mwhen I got home, all the other chooks were doing there afternoon fosicking, but she was just sitting there, she looked a tad lethargic, I went and did my other pens, and when I came back, she didn't look well, I picked her up, and she flapped a bit, then died in my hands. Yesterday when I got home,man other girl was acting similar, she moved to the coop, and that's where she stayed, when I got up this morning, she looked very lethargic with glazed sort of eyes, I went up 2 hours later and she was dead, stiff as a board. I checked them over and couldn't see any mites to the like. I did notice that there beaks seemed to be nearly black, any thoughts?
One of them had chicks about 6 weeks old, do you think they will be fine?

Author:  Hens and Hobbits [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

Really sorry to hear about that. At least she died in your arms if that is of any comfort. My condolences.

Sometimes sitting and raising chicks can exhaust a hen.

Do you have many mozzies at the moment, I've heard recently that they have been attacking chooks at night.

Author:  Petite Poulet [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

My deepest sympathy :cry: May they rest in Chook Heaven.

And from my mum too, she knows what it feels like to have a chook die in your arms.

Hope someone on the forum can give you some answers. Hope her babies are OK, do you have a brooder? Or a surrogate mum?

Author:  Chickababe [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

So sorry to hear of the passing of some of your chooks.

I'm sorry that I can't shed any light on what has caused your girls to die but put the chicks could be of concern. They are still very young and have just lost their mum. Are they fully feathered. If so they may be ok in a sheltered area if its not too cold overnight. If they haven't feathered fully then a brooder might be the best option as a surrogate hen may not adopt the chicks as they are 6 weeks old already.

Good luck with your chicks and I hope the rest of your flock remain healthy.

Author:  Chicka-Dee [ Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

What kind of chooks do you have & how old are they?

Can you post any pics of the birds if they also have black beaks?

Do they have any other symptoms?

Author:  A_nomad [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

Hi, I had another one die in the same circumstances, they don't look like they are in any distress, we don't have many mozzies about at the moment, luckily the chicks are fully feathered and it's warm.

They were pulling there heads into there bodies a little. there feathers werent easy to pull out and droppings looked normal. there overall condition looked good. there crops were firm to touch, but didnt look like it was swollen. They are fed layer pellets and mixed grain, and food scraps as well, both were about 8 - 9 months and RIR. both birds didnt show any real symptons (looked okay) except for the lethargy, i could just tell they werent right as there werent up moving at the time of day i go up there.

Author:  Chicka-Dee [ Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

Hi Nomad

So sorry that this is happening to you.

Could it in anyway, be poison?

Is there any chance they are eating one thing that has been poisoned with a weed killer, or slug pellets or a plant that has poisonous properties that they've have had access to?

It seems really strange that they are healthy and all their poo seems good but their beaks go black & they go lethargic. Just sounds like a slow working poison like its going through their system & reaching a point in the process that kills them.

Not good.

Hope you discover a cause real soon.


Author:  Doolan [ Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dying chooks

Any more losses?? Love to hear your chooks are getting better.....

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