Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?
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Author:  cassnboys [ Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Hi Katy,

So if I could see light, not clearly straight through, but kind of like through tiny light patches all over the eggs, she's been sitting in vain? Certainly by now we should have seen some signs of activity, hey??

I guess we could try the day old thing....another first time at something :-? Still eagerly awaiting a response from the breeder, so will maybe see if they could help in that regard?

If we do go down that path, is night the best time and rubbing on her breast pretty much all that we need to do to aid in the bonding?

I think day old chicks would, as they did last time, would fall out of the nest which is one besser brick high. Ness simply made a nest of the towel that I had in front of her nest where I would sit and watch her. However, if I moved her and the eggs today into the chicken tractor (effectively our 'brooder' of sorts) and could access chicks today, do you think should we give it a red hot go?

Author:  Doolan [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Oh 22 and no babies here either....isnt it heartbreaking

Author:  cassnboys [ Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Yep Yep, Doolan! It certainly is.

We were completely unsuccessful with the fertilised eggs we bought for Ness nearly 4 weeks ago. I contacted the breeder, who basically just replied that although there are many reasons that eggs do not hatch, it may be 'the heat'!! [smilie=a_doh.gif]

So, I decided to take the advice of a couple of AFPers and grab some day old chicks, which I was reluctant to do, as we've not done it before, but I thought if worse comes to worse, we could brooder them inside the house as we had done in the very beginning, at the outset of our chicken fetish! (taking home the 10 day old chicks from school hatching programs !)

Pleased to say, Ness has bonded beautifully with her new charges! wee. Aren't hormones a wonderful thing? :lol:

Very sorry to hear you are experiencing a fate similar to ours......Absolutely Heartbreaking it IS!!

I wonder if you could take a leaf out of our book, so to speak? If your broody is well and truly BROODY, she may go well with day olds too??

Hoping you will still have, albeit possibly rather late, success with your eggs.

Wishing you all the best Doolan.

PS, feel free to ask Q's re: the day old option. ;)

Author:  Doolan [ Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

So EXCITED..Cass....eggs were definitely duds so could not find day olds anywhere within coo-ee so settled for five day olds...popped them in this evening and Precious was so wide eyed and in shock looking for her eggs, pecked the two new babies and i didnt have a lot of hope so darkened up the nursery and when I went to check on them half hour later she was clucking like a pro and covering them up with straw to hide them from the torch happy....have no idea what they will end looks like sussex and the other is just a yellow ball of fluff..... X x

Author:  cassnboys [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Fantastic Doolan!! [icon_hen!

Have never heard of five day olds, but wish I had. May still have to source some, as we are now down to 4 (from seven) chicks and there are two more not looking so well. Everything is the same as her last broodiness, but the poor little critters are just not thriving, all except for one (pure bred Australorp)

Would love to hear more about your journey as the littlies get bigger. Please keep us informed. And maybe a pic or two??

Author:  Doolan [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Yes very excited Cass but one of them is not well and have posted on health section for away for three weeks and hopefully housesitters can cope...

Will report back when i hear how they are all going..good luck with your lot...

Author:  Lacey [ Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Do the housesitters have bird experience?

Author:  Doolan [ Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

No they dont...but my buddy Judy is a well experienced chook hand from way back and has been over dailly with the excuse of bringing scraps and asking to see the babies, she has sent photos and said the feet appear to be strengthening and no more pooh on its little she will keep up the luckky am I..back to the cocktails xxxx happy_duck

Author:  Lacey [ Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanessa's broody again...but is it too hot?

Its good you have such a good friend

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